AF Global Capital Section 172(1) Statement
AF Global Capital Limited
Section 172(1) Statement
The Directors have considered the matters set out in Section 172(1)(a) to (f) when performing their duties and comments as follows:
- The Directors are satisfied that the investment in Lloyd’s syndicates 1991, 2121, and 4242 provided long term benefits to the Company and its shareholder given recent results;
- The Company has no employees;
- The Directors have continued business relationships with the Syndicates, and Lloyd’s;
- The Directors are satisfied that they have fulfilled their commitments to both the community and the environment;
- The Company’s business was the investment in Lloyd’s Syndicates 1991, 2121, and 4242. The Directors are satisfied that those Syndicates have maintained their reputation for meeting the required high standards of business conduct in their interactions with employees, customers and regulators; and
- The Company has acted fairly and has kept its shareholder fully informed of business operations and progress.
Approved by the Board on
and signed on its behalf by: 14 August 2020
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