Customer FAQs
Am I able to register for autopay?
Yes, autopay registration and maintenance is now available on our Digital Customer Portal.
When will policyholders receive an invoice?
A final catch-up cycle of invoicing was completed the week of Oct. 7, and included charges related to premium installments, audits, AccuPremium and small deductibles. Our normal invoicing cadence has resumed.
Who can I contact if I have a question about an invoice or need to make a request?
Please call 866-206-5851 and choose the Premium Billing option. Our customer service representatives will do their best to answer your question or accommodate your request with limited system availability.
How can I make a payment?
You can make a payment over the phone by calling 866-206-5851 and selecting the Premium Billing Option — or checks can be mailed to our lockbox at the following address:
Accident Fund Insurance Company of America
P.O. Box 734928
Chicago, IL 60673-4928
If you would like to overnight a check, please send to the following address:
JP Morgan Chase
ATTN: Accident Fund Insurance Company of America
131 S. Dearborn 734928
Chicago, IL 60603
As of Oct. 30, you can also make a payment on our Digital Customer Portal.
How do policyholders know if payments have been received?
Policyholders should check their bank statement to validate the check was cashed or they may call 866-206-5851 and select the Premium Billing option to confirm receipt of payment.
When will refunds be processed?
We have started premium refund processing and will work based on priority.
When will dividends be paid to Group Program members?
We are unable to process group dividends at this time. Once we are able to do so, we will begin sending payments as quickly as possible (oldest to newest).
Are policyholders on an AccuPremium payment plan able to report payroll?
As of Oct. 30, policyholders can report payroll through our Digital Customer Portal. We will provide a 30-day grace period for delinquent payroll reports and will not cancel policies for non-reporting (in states that allow) or remove customers from AccuPremium for 30 days. The late payroll reminder notices will resume, effective immediately.
Can policyholders on an AccuPremium payment plan complete the initial registration process?
As of Oct. 30, policyholders are able to complete the registration process through or Digital Customer Portal.
For those who were unable to register during the outage, an email will be sent with specific instructions. If you need assistance with the registration process, please call 866-206-5851 and select the Premium Billing option.
What is required for policy reinstatement?
A no loss letter and payment to bring the account current is required.
When will the grace period for delinquency end?
Delinquency holds for non-payment of in-force premium and premium audits will be released on Nov. 1, 2024. Please note that this does not impact the existing hurricane moratoriums for cancellations.
Why am I receiving duplicate copies of invoices?
We have identified an issue where certain policyholders are receiving duplicate copies of invoices. We are looking into the issue as a top priority; please disregard the duplicated invoice copy at this time.
How can I tell if an audit has been processed and/or the status of an audit dispute?
Any dispute paperwork or audit paperwork that has been submitted has been received and is being reviewed. Upon validation of paperwork, revised audits will be processed accordingly.
Who can I contact if I have a question about my audit?
Please call 866-206-5851 and choose the Premium Audit option.
Who can I contact if I need to dispute an audit?
Please call 866-206-5851 and choose the Premium Audit option or email [email protected].
Are audit worksheets available?
No; however, if you need a copy, please email [email protected].
Can audits be completed via the Audit Portal?
Currently login access is unavailable for online audit reporting. Please forward the completed form and required documents to [email protected] to complete the audit. If we need additional information, someone will contact you. We can be reached at [email protected] or via phone at 866-206-5851 to answer any questions.
How do customers report a claim?
We are excited to announce that all claim reporting options are once again available. There are five ways to report a claim:
- Online: AccidentFund Customer Portal, UnitedHeartland Customer Portal, CompWest Customer Portal, Third Coast (3CU) Customer Portal
- Email: [email protected], [email protected], [email protected] or [email protected].
- Phone: 866-206-5851 or 888-881-8242
- Fax: 866-814-5595
- TeleCompCare (TCC): If you are enrolled in TCC, injured employees can continue to use the dedicated TCC toll free number to speak with a triage nurse. If you are not enrolled, please note that enrollment is now open again, as well. You can self-enroll online via the Digital Customer Portal (will need to log in as your company administrator) or contact your service team for more information.
How do injured workers contact their adjuster?
All communication pathways are up and running, including our Hi Marley texting capability now available with real time translation in 25 languages.
Are medical payments as well as claimant reimbursements being made?
We are continuing to process medical payments. For specific medical payment related questions, please contact 866-206-5851 and select prompts for medical bill status.
Are indemnity payments as well as claimant reimbursements being made?
Yes – payments are being made.
How does my injured employee obtain authorization for medical treatment?
Please call your dedicated claim adjuster or 866-206-5851 and our customer service team will direct you to someone who can assist you.
When will online reporting be back up and running?
Online reporting is back up and running as of October 30, 2024
Do reports from Origami contain updated claims data?
While Origami has been restored and is refreshing daily, not all claim/policy information is updated. We are working as quickly as possible to enter backlogged information.
Accident Fund
866-206-5851 -
United Heartland
800-258-2667 -
CompWest Insurance
888-266-7937 -
Third Coast Underwriters
866-641-2328 -
AF Specialty
866-221-9640 -
Fundamental Underwriters
866-221-0095 -
Assigned Risk Solutions
866-221-9640 -
(800) 482-2726 -
Century Insurance Group
(614) 895-2000 -
Mackinaw Administrators
(800) 372-2428