Take a Break & Learn Something New
Grab a coffee or a snack and join us for Food for Thought, our learning series focused on core workers’ compensation concepts. During the short session, you’ll hear a presentation and have the opportunity to engage in a roundtable discussion with subject matter experts.
- Free, virtual education series for insurance and safety professionals
- 30-45-minute sessions
- All courses begin at 12 p.m. ET
As a way of saying “thanks for joining us,” session participants will be entered into a drawing to win lunch on us!
Click to expand for additional details about each course:
January - OSHA Recordkeeping
Are you familiar with OSHA recordkeeping requirements? Join us for OSHA Recordkeeping & Reporting to learn what OSHA considers to be a recordable injury or illness, when and how to report certain events, specific OSHA requirements and forms, and important timeframes for reporting and tracking in order to maintain OSHA compliance for your organization.
February - Premium Audit
It’s audit time – are you prepared? Learn the ins and outs of the audit process, including what to expect and how to prepare!
March - Women in Insurance
Tune in for an interactive panel with exceptional female insurance industry leaders. They will talk about building boundaries that can help you both personally and professionally, leaving you feeling intentional about the work you do and the impact you make.
April - Workers' Compensation 101
Have you ever wondered why the workers’ compensation system was started? Or how it helps to protect your employees’ safety and businesses bottom line? Join us to learn the basics of workers’ compensation – and the benefits it provides you and your workforce.
May - Industry Series: Top Loss Drivers in Construction and How to Avoid Them
Do you know what the top five loss drivers in the construction industry are and how they can be prevented? Join us to learn about the OSHA fall protection requirements in construction, return to work programs and more.
June - Industry Series: Top Loss Drivers in Agriculture and How to Avoid Them
Are you in the agriculture business? If so, you’ll want to join us for this conversation about the top loss drivers in ag and how you can avoid them.
July - Industry Series: Top Loss Drivers in Manufacturing and How to Avoid Them
There are many workplace injuries and illnesses that can occur in manufacturing – and it’s important to know what they are and how they can be prevented. Learn about the various exposures and hazards while discovering solutions and strategies to help avoid them.
August - Industry Series: Top Loss Drivers in
Healthcare and How to Avoid Them
Healthcare workers in industries such as home health, long-term care, assisted living and social assistance are all prone to certain injuries on the job. Hear about the top five leading loss drivers from industry experts and how they can be avoided.
September - Surviving an OSHA Inspection
Do the words “safety inspection” cause you angst? Don’t worry, we’re here to help! In this course, you’ll hear from an industry expert about managing your next inspection and how to avoid fines and citations.
October - Workers' Compensation for Small Businesses
Join us as we talk about the nuances of small business injury exposures, underwriting tips and ways to improve efficiency when quoting and placing this important business segment.
November - Cybersecurity/AI
Is your business protected from the potential of a cybersecurity threat? Join us to learn ways that you and your employees can help protect the data of your organization and your customers.
December - Auto 101
New to commercial auto insurance? As an agent, you need to ensure your customers are covered correctly on their auto policy. Join us for this discussion on the ins and outs of commercial auto coverage.

Have suggestions for future topics or questions about our Food for Thought series? Drop us a note and let us know your thoughts!